The Dice Game

Welcome to BetBBitXs exclusive Dice Game! Dive into the thrill of rolling a 100-sided virtual die. It's straightforward: place your bet on what number the die will roll over. With staggering payouts of up to 49.50x, our game maintains a razor-thin house edge of only 1.00%.

How To Play

1. Connect your EVM wallet.

2. Fund your game account via deposits onchain.

3. Play.

Approving spending on BetBitX

1. If it's your first time, you'll need to click the yellow "Approve" button.

2. Confirm the approval transaction in your wallet.

3. Wait a few moments for it to confirm.

Playing Dice

1. Drag the slider to the number you want to choose. If it rolls over that number, you win!

2. Type the amount you'd like to wager using the "Bet Amount" input field.

3. Click the yellow "Roll" button once you're ready to roll the die!

4. Confirm the bet transaction in your wallet.

5. Wait a few moments for the provably fair quantum random number generation process to fulfil on-chain.

Last updated